Saturday, May 3, 2008

Life of a Workaholic Lover

I've been working my butts off for a couple of months now; and honestly, I'm happy.

Ever since I started this Job around mid-August last year, I've been continuously pushing myself to improve in this line of work. Well, if you're really that curious, I'm a content writer.

Being one isn't really all that bad. The pay is very good, and I have flexible working hours. I work at my own convenience (if you ever call having a deadline convenient), with no pesky supervisors keeping watch all the time, except for mom. Honestly though, Why am I writing this down anyway?

I'm bored, and taking some time off before I go back to grinding today's load.

Not everything about this job is perfect though. Sometimes it gets me into trouble with my lover. There were numerous argument about me spending overly too much time with my work and less with him. It even went to the point that he almost decided to stop seeing me entirely.

Another problem is when the client is dissatisfied with the articles I make for them. Some returns for rewrites, while some..... too bloody to tell. T_T

This made me realize something else too, I am turning into a workaholic. all work and no play is definitely wearing me out. But I haven't improved this much in years. I've learned how to manage my work time, fun time, love time (wohoo), and sleep time (not getting much of this one, trust me). With the careful guidance of my boss (yes, I do have a boss), I noticed that my writing skills improve with every article I make. When your mistakes are being pointed out in numbers, you can't help but improve. hahahahahaha

Anyway, I'll stop here for now. I'll fill this up with some juicy tidbits (if I ever come up with any) later on. Ciao.



cybilgeisha said...

"while some..... too bloody to tell"- lol. rewrites are bad enough (especially if u have to do them twice!) T_T

"sleep time (not getting much of this one, trust me)" - hahaha. The word sleep ain't in my vocab anymore, all thanks to Mr.Caffeine.

"This made me realize something else too, I am turning into a workaholic. all work and no play is definitely wearing me out." --true,true. imagine being one at my age now.. makes me wonder what I'd be a few years more. O_o

...and the lesson of the story is? hmm..wala naman. next time, isulat ang account details ng blog para di makalimutan! hehe. kiddin. ;>

Anonymous said...

so... ako sinisisi mo?

- your boss